The finest natural roofing slates from the most reputable quarries, selected to provide a long lasting roof with minimal grading and sorting. This range also provides readily available alternatives to long discontinued slates from Wales and Scotland, providing a close match for texture and colour without the slightest compromise on quality.

SIGA Excellence natural slates are ideal for heritage conversion and refurbishment projects and high quality new build and self build projects, with some slates being Snowdonia National Park approved. All slates are T1, S1, W1 (≤ 0,6%) to comply with NHBC Standards. Excellence slates have exceptional selection with very low wastage and a long life expectancy.

All Excellence slates come with warranties of up to 100 years, terms and conditions apply.

Each SIGA natural slate product has a SIGA number – SIGA 120, SIGA 32 and so on. The SIGA number specifically defines the quarry and selection of slate, guaranteeing traceability and consistency that is second to none.

Gallegas 39

A very popular slate for use on all projects across the UK, with a pleasing blue grey textured finish.



A dark blue grey smooth slate from Spain which has National Parks Approval.